
The Turn of Meaning

The Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture (UABB) 
Shangqi Art

Environmental graphic design

Liao Zicheng

CD: Liao Zicheng
D: Liao Zicheng / VE / Wong Kaho
PM: Zeng Xiling
MD: Wong Kaho
CW: Lin Ziming

UDL created a unique setting/sculpture named ‘The Turn of Meaning’ for Longhua district branch of the 9th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture (UABB). This design shows when signs and patterns attempt to express more compared to the characters, shapes and colors could be understood as a warning, banning, ordering and assisting, the image itself and the concept of the image are closely linked.

All the molds and tools are made for mass production and hidden in people’s daily life. They always followed certain standards to become the specified items. Before disused factories were transferred into exhibition spaces, the molds left and remained people representing individuals in the industry. We aim to make the part unseen to be seen by the public and let the audience discover its aesthetic and functional significance.

We have used road signs as the main form of our artwork. Road signs are the important elements of a city, they take charge of traffic guidance and safety controls. They also have a special plane formation way.

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The Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture (UABB) 
Shangqi Art

Environmental graphic design

Liao Zicheng

CD: Liao Zicheng
D: Liao Zicheng / VE / Wong Kaho
PM: Zeng Xiling
MD: Wong Kaho
CW: Lin Ziming

Only the image itself and the concept of this image working together, the meaning of this design could be complete. This design continues the standardized shapes and colors, and combing the redesign of the digital accessories molds found in this exhibition venue.

‘The Turn of Meaning’ intends on transforming the signs from a 2D shape to a 3D pattern by blurring its meaning as a public sign in daily life. At this point, the lines between information and images are vague. It can be seen as it used to be, but new meanings are born at the same time. As urban landscapes, these new road signs without a functional content show in the public space. The wonder of design language would bring the audience fresh visual experiences.

2024  D&AD / Shortlist / Graphic Design / Environmental / UK
2024  Tokyo TDC Annual Awards / Prize Nominee Work / Janpan
2023  Macau Design Award / Space & Environmental Graphic / Nomination Award / Macau, China
2023  GDC Awards / Environmental Graphic / Silver Award
2023  GDC Awards / Social Practice of Design / Merit Award
2023  Kan Tai-Keung Design Awards / Silver Award / China
2023  Award 360° /  Environmental Graphic Design of the Year / China
2023  Award 360° / Social Design of the Year / China