Here is ZINE

Book Binding Design

Li Xiang / Xing Chen

CD: Xing Chen / Li Xiang
D: Xing Chen / Bian Shuyao

‘What is love’ is a question that gives people a hard time, because there is no such thing as a model answer. There is more than one kind of love, and more than one form of expression to it. Valuing a person is love, and so is cherishing a belonging. We made this Zine to give the subject of what love is back to the audiences.

Here is ZINE

Book Binding Design

Li Xiang / Xing Chen

CD: Xing Chen / Li Xiang
D: Xing Chen / Bian Shuyao

Design wise, we have hidden the content of the book, by flipping through the pages the audience will only see the blank pages and the folded form on the top edge. We are trying to say that human beings are generally good at hiding their love, yet love is too vivid and lively to disguise. The content of the book is a dialogue between 2 designers, and one spread stands for one of the “conversation”. One of the designers creates the images based on her interpretations toward different kinds of love and depict it on the contour of the character ‘’ (Love), and the other designer responds to it based on his understanding on the images and translate it into texts. 10 groups of design represents the 10 strokes of the character ‘’ (Love). There are far more forms of love than ten. What we can do is merely captures the fragments and moments of it, and state it out. When you are flipping through this Zine, what are the forms of love on your mind?

2022  ADC Annual Awards 101st / Bronze Cube / USA
2022  TDC 68, Communication Design Competition / Certificate of Typographic Excellence / USA
2022  Tokyo TDC Annual Awards / Excellent Work x2 / Japan